Happy father’s day Guhonda Silverback Gorilla

In June, the world celebrates all fathers for the extra ordinary role they play in a family, and for a conservationist, we cannot ignore the great role of silverback gorillas in their families.

Today June 2019 Rwanda celebrates Guhonda Alpha male silverback the father who is the instrument of physical and emotional security of the Sabyinyo silverback gorilla group of the volcanoes national park Rwanda. Guhonda silverback Mountain gorilla of sabyinyo gorilla group Named after a Kinyarwanda word that means “to beat”, Guhonda is the strongest and largest silverback at 0ver 300kgs and 2 meters tall known to beat his chest to command authority in his gorilla family.

At 48 years old Guhonda is the oldest studied according to records from Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and is the father of the Sabyinyo gorilla family, one of the best groups to trek in volcanoes national park. As the largest silverback Alpha Males weighing about 300kgs Guhonda is a true leader with a strong mentoring presence in the family. His hair continues to grey each year just like in human being he’s still going strong after all these years.

Interesting facts about Guhonda silverback Gorilla

  • Even at an old age, his leadership is very strong and respected by the entire gorilla group
  • Guhonda protects and mentors is family, when you visit, you observe him interact with the baby gorillas, the black-backs showing a true father who takes care of the well being of his family.
  • In 2 years, Guhonda will make 50 on 1st February beating the set lifespan of a habituated mountain gorilla at 40 – 50 years and impressively living longer than Ruhondaza silverback gorilla who passed on at 50 years due to natural causes.

Guhonda alpha male Mountain gorilla of sabyinyo gorilla group

  • Gohonda is an enormous mountain gorilla with most of its far turning silver and not just the back! Guhonda survived the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and largely signifies tenderness for Rwandans
  • Guhonda is a great group leader, his protective of his family, very tough on intruders who cross boundaries with his group, it’s no wonder many tourists love to visit the sabyinyo gorilla family!

Facts about the Sabyinyo Gorilla Group in Volcanoes National park

The group comprises of a total of 18 gorilla members, still waiting on actual number of new born gorillas this year at the kwita Izina gorilla naming ceremony of 2019. Currently the group comprises of 4 Silverbacks gorillas, 6 black backs females, 3 juveniles and 5 young ones.

The Sabyinyo group gets its name from the geographical area the group occupies at the lower slopes of mount Sabyinyo. This group is rated at an easy hike to find the gorillas since they live at the lower slopes of the mountain.

Sabyinyo gorilla family descended from Group 13 right after the death of alpha male silverback Murthi. Guhonda grabbed 3 females from Group 13 including Ijisho,  Gukunda, Kampanga who were the first gorillas to form his group residing at lower slopes of Sabyinyo mountains.

Fun facts about mountain gorillas

  • Farting comes naturally and very frequently among gorillas as they feed. Its such a wonder as gorillas are vegetarian with their diet consisting of leaves, stems and roots making a healthy diet. It’s a wonder why they fart so much and it’s a smelly one!
  • Gorilla Pick their noses and eat the buggers! Even the mighty silverbacks do it!
  • Each mountain gorilla nose print is unique and distinct even if they look much the same! Actually guides and trekkers in the forest give them names and easily differentiate each gorilla.
  • Mountain gorillas are loyal to family and to one another! It’s no wonder that many reported gorilla deaths come in larger numbers because incase of any threat on the gorilla family, gorillas can dies protecting others especially the silverbacks.
  • Gorillas are very tender and have a strong maternal connection to infants, even silverbacks have a strong fatherly connection to gorilla babies
  • Mountain gorillas are still endangered even when the numbers are being reported to improve. Their biggest danger is man who is also their greatest salvation. There is so much we can do to save the world remaining mountain gorilla population starting right from the local community to the international community.

One Comment

  1. Geoff Williams-Reply
    August 13, 2019 at 1:00 am

    happy 48th birthday Guhonda. He chased me and pushed me into the bamboo jungle a few years ago. He is still the boss, congratulations

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