Gorilla Trekking in Congo

There are only three countries in the world where you can see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. These are Uganda, Rwanda, and the Republic of Congo. Within the DRC, the mountain gorillas live in Virunga National Park. This is also a UNESCO Heritage site. This park is located on the eastern side of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It borders both Uganda and Rwanda. The park covers an area of 7800 km2. It is home to over 300 mountain gorillas residing in southern part of Virunga national park

Democratic Republic of Congo is the best option for travelers who want to track mountain gorillas in the jungle. This happens for several reasons, which we will disclose for you below.

Money Makes a Great Impact
To begin with, gorilla permits are $400. These are not super-cheap. Yet, it is still a much lower price than what you would have to pay in Uganda or Rwanda. Also, a part of the money from the gorilla permits goes to community projects. Some of these are, for example, getting clean water and better roads or starting agricultural projects. The people have achieved great things thanks to this income. This has had a very good impaction the locals staying around Virunga.

It’s a Lot easier and less dangerous than People Think
Sadly, people know Congo for its violent crimes and that traveling around the country can be dangerous. Still, visiting Virunga National Park is a safe adventure. You’re always with rangers who work very hard to ensure tourists’ (and gorillas’) safety. Also, it is a fairly easy hike. Way better than those eight-hour walks in dense rain-forests in Bwindi national park Uganda. You will be surprised when you hear the rangers saying they’ve found the gorillas. Only an hour may have passed since you started walking in a field!

It Is a True Adventure
Congo is the perfect choice for those seeking an unusual experience. And for those who have an adventurous spirit!  Besides gorilla trekking, you can do exciting activities such chimpanzee walks or volcano hiking. Congo has the biggest lava lake in the world!  Mountain Nyiragongo climbing is also an option while in Congo and a memorable safari tour combined with birding in the wilderness.

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